
A perl script to to remove accents from filenames

While most modern unixes support UTF-8 filenames, the support for this in a lot of tools varies widely. Recently I had to strip the accents off a large number of files to get around a number of weird bugs in various apps.

A Perl script I wrote to fix this.

tcp2txt - Get a straight ascii dump from a packet capture

This is a quick application that will take the output of either tcpdump -X or tshark -x and do a straight dump of all the ascii parts of the traffic. Why would you like to do this? Well, the hex/ascii formats will split the line based soley on character position, which means you can't grep for things (as what you are grepping for may be split across lines, and even worse has hex between the two parts).

This app does a relatively raw dump of the protocol which lets you quickly and easily grep. Note that right now it will print both headers and the handshaking packets (will just show up as garbage, basically). This could be worked around if people care. Also, it's only US-Ascii for now, extended character sets shouldn't be too hard but one would need enough knowledge of what character set the protocol uses (could be given as a command line).

A Perl script I wrote to do this.