
Keep your iTunes library in sync

Tuningfork (or tf) is a perl script that will keep your iTunes music library in sync with an external mp3 library. Note that at present it uses Applescript to talk to iTunes and will therefore only run on OS X.

I personally rip all my cds to flac with Max. Then, I use flac2mp3 to make mp3 copies of each track. I then mount the library from a central server and use tuningfor to keep my wife and my iTunes librarys up to date. At present tuningfork keeps the library in sync as a number of references (by using the itunes "don't copy track to library" option). I may change that in the future so that I can travel with a copy of my library.

Please note that this is BETA software. Please send feedback to mcrosby@metamadness.org

Installing tuningfork